Anchorage 7-21-19

We finally saw Mount Denali, from a great distance and a lot of clouds.

Suicide Gulch.
South Peak.
Can you see Denali, ” The High One”, between us?
Halfway between Fairbanks and Anchorage. Dave had a good laugh.

We will stay in Centennial Campground in Anchorage for 3 nights. Our friend from St. Peter, Rebecca Brenke will be joining us tomorrow.

Centennial Campground.

Picking Rebecca up from the airport was a piece of cake! We made a loop passed the pick up area once, then she let us know she had landed. Five minutes later, she was in the truck. We headed back to the campground and spent the afternoon and evening enjoying our quiet lifestyle and Dave’s home grilled Juicy Lucy’s.

The next day we headed to downtown Anchorage. We visited the Visitor’s Center and marvelled at all of the gorgeous flowers. We walked around for a while, trying to see how close we could get to the ocean. Unfortunately, we really couldn’t get close to it. We settled on viewing it from a table at the 49th State Brewery!

Dollar bills from visitors from around the world.
Cute flight glasses.
The view.
Moose chair.

We spent Rebecca’s first evening teaching her to play Pegs & Jokers. Dave and I love the game but neither Rebecca or I liked the fact that Dave whipped our butts!

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