Anchorage, 2nd time 7-31-19

We drove back into Seward in the morning, before hooking up the trailer, to get our fish from the processing center. It is frozen and vacuum sealed. Rebecca is going to take it home with her on the plane. She will store it in her freezer until we return to Minnesota in November.

We drove back to Anchorage because Rebecca’s flight leaves tonight. We have had such a great time with her and will be sad to see her go. We tried to get her to stay with us until we return to Minnesota but she didn’t think she could stay until November!

We are back in Centennial Park where we camped when we first came to Anchorage, in the same camp site, number 20.

We spent her last afternoon playing Pegs & Jokers in the sun.

Dave 22, Rebecca 15, Jo 7

Dave and I had planned to stay here for two nights but our site was available for a third night so we are going to stick around. We need to work on this website, where we have decent internet, stock up on groceries and make more specific plans about the rest of our time in Alaska plus the return to lower US. I can’t wait to see Nate and Kate!

We were out doing errands and saw this ” Dead End” sign. Seriously???

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