Jo Peterson

  Time to leave Mississippi!  We always enjoy our time parked in Jane’s yard, but it is time for Dave, Boo and I to get back to our style of […]

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Dave and I left Mississippi on November 23, heading back to Minnesota for the holidays.  Shortly before heading out at 4:00 AM, Dave had a text from his daughter Beth.  […]

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  Finally, it is time to leave Mankato.  As always, we love seeing family and friends but “hitch itch” is affecting us.  We will heading back to Mississippi, by way […]

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We got back to Minnesota in late May and spent two days at the family farm, visiting Dave’s dad, brother and sister-in-law.  His dad is doing well after a couple […]

  After leaving Durango we drove a short distance (less than 200 miles) to Southfork, Colorado.  It was a beautiful drive over Wolf Creek Pass.  We had found a campground […]

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  May 12, and we are finally leaving Casa Grande and starting our journey to Minnesota.  We like Casa Grande and will return next winter but had planned to leave […]

We are now back in Casa Grand after our Caribbean cruise. We spent my birthday traveling home from San Juan so Dave took me to dinner the next night. Manuel’s […]

Dave and I started planning our cruise from Minnesota last May. I was so excited because I had never been on a cruise and was looking forward to this one, […]