Mankato, MN 5-27-20


After leaving Durango we drove a short distance (less than 200 miles) to Southfork, Colorado.  It was a beautiful drive over Wolf Creek Pass.  We had found a campground that proved to be one of the most scenic campgrounds we have been in.  Moon Valley RV Park was nestled near the foot of the mountains.  We only had one night here but could have stayed longer!

The next day we headed to Colorado Springs where we parked for four nights at Falcon Meadows RV Campground, closer to Peyton that Colorado Springs.  Some of the things we toured in this area were the Pulpit Rock, The Garden of the Gods, the Red Canon (canyon), followed by lunch in Manitou Springs.

The there are 8 springs here but in a walking tour, we only found 4.  They really are not marked well and the online help was a PDF, difficult to see on the phone and didn’t include street signs.  We found out these are cold, effervescent springs and each has its own unique flavor, changed by the various rock formations.

Boo and I waiting for Dave to get lunch from a deli.

The next day, we drove through Pebble Creek, viewed the Royal Gorge and ended up in Canyon City for lunch at the World’s End Brewing Company.  We did not cross the gorge because it cost a minimum $29 PER PERSON!!!  to walk across.  Oh my!

Pikes Peak is in the distance.  We did not drive up, on this trip.

See the huge racks on these trophies!

Our road!

In Canon City, we had to wear face masks until we were seated, and then could take them off as soon as we were at our table, 10 feet away.  sigh…

Cattle crossing.

Apparently it is  a deer crossing too.


Royal Gorge Bridge.

World’s End Brewing Company

The next day we headed east.  It was Sunday and chilly outside so we pulled into a wayside rest for Bloody Mary’s at noon, enjoyed inside the trailer.

We ended up in a parking lot in Cabella’s, in Kearny, Nebraska.  We were the only trailer there. We watched several very long trains pass on the tracks near by but they did not keep us awake at night.

Our plan had been to spend another night further northeast in Nebraska but all parks were closed.  Instead, we continued on to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Our goal was to spend the night in my friends Penny and Steve’s driveway.  I was nervous we would not fit but WOW, that is one big driveway.  Penny’s son and daughter-in-law Mark and Susan were also there from Arkansas (we visited them in Bentonville 18 months ago).  The six of us had a great evening, chatting and cutting/freezing rhubarb.  Mark and Susan prepared a delicious spaghetti supper for us.

We left at noon on the 27th, heading to Minnesota!

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