Black Hills 9/1/17


We wanted to make a longer trip, to confirm we really could move the trailer and set up a site, before packing it away until January.  We decided to go to the Black Hills over the Labor Day weekend.

Our first stop along the way was in Sioux Falls where my dear friends Penny and Steve live.  I had not seen them in a long time.  Besides, they had not met Dave and he needed to “pass muster”.  I think he did!  The visit was way too short so we will have to travel that way again.

Our plan was to take our time getting to the Hills.  We wanted to drive half way and stop for the night.  Dave had found out that RV’s can park overnight for free at casinos.  Penny and Steve told us about a couple of casinos near Chamberlain so that was our plan.

Let’s just say that GPS does not always send you on the correct road and Dave ended up backing the trailer for a loooooong ways down a narrow dirt road once it became apparent we were not heading in the correct direction.  (It could not have been the navigators error could it???)  Eventually we got to the Golden Buffalo Casino, ate a quick meal and headed back to the trailer.  It had been a long day.

Day 2 found us in the Badlands where we took some amazing pictures.  Eventually we reached the resort where we had reservations, near Rapid City.  This was another “free” camp experience, designed to sell us on a membership.  Don’t you think  they would give prospective clients a premium site?  Not…  Oh well, it was a place to park and kick off our stay in the Hills.

Free overnight in casino parking lot

Badlands 9/2/17

 Truck, cycle and trailer










Our weekend camp – Rushmore Shadows Resort

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