
furrow irrigation

  We are finally starting our long-anticipated journey.  We planned to leave Minnesota on a Monday morning but a pending snow storm urged us to leave a day early.  Dave […]

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  Our last day in the Hills was much chillier.  The lowest point was in the 50’s as we “threaded the needle” near the top of the Needles Highway. The […]

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  What a beautiful day to ride bike through the Black Hills.  We rode through many of the old western towns that we had both seen before, but never together.  […]

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  We wanted to make a longer trip, to confirm we really could move the trailer and set up a site, before packing it away until January.  We decided to […]

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  Here is our first outing!  We wanted to make sure we knew all the ins and outs of setting up the trailer and campsite.  We made an overnight trip […]