Colonial Williamsburg – Yorktown Battlefield 4/21/18

Wow, Colonial Williamsburg is huge and has so much information.  Some people spend days here but we really only had part of a day so had to pick and choose what to see.  I guess we will have to come back some day!

Jo’s cousin Mandi works for Colonial Williamsburg so she came with us and acted as our tour guide.  I am so impressed with her knowledge and obvious love for history.

Dave, Mandi and I

The gardens are gorgeous.


The next garden layer is coming up between the tulips that are almost done for the season.

I think these are weeds but thought they were beautiful.

Original cobblestone.  I’m really not sure how the horses walked on this.

Govenor’s palace

Oh oh…

The King’s insignia is part of the door frame.


One of the oxen at CW.

Mandi and her husband Kevin offered their home to us to stay overnight.  In the evening returning from CW, Kevin and his lab Splash took us to a couple of local microbreweries.

The next day, Dave and I visited the Revolutionary War Museum and Yorktown Victory Center.  There is so much history to read about and we loved every minute.  Now, time to return home.  (We call “home” any place the trailer is parked!)

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