Devil’s Tower 9/3/17


What a beautiful day to ride bike through the Black Hills.  We rode through many of the old western towns that we had both seen before, but never together.  It was a clear, sunny day in the upper 90’s.  It felt good to be on the bike.

We started in Deadwood with a Bloody Mary in the Saloon No 10.  Our eyes were stinging a bit as we rode, due to forest fires in Montana.

When we are traveling, we normally prepare a picnic lunch that we can eat inside the trailer or at a park.  Since we were on the bike, we packed deli sandwiches, chips and wine in a cooler and carried it with us, knowing we would find a suitable place to eat.

We were pulling into Spearfish about noon and started looking for a park.  As we came up to a Walgreen’s store on a corner, we saw a picnic table on their boulevard.  Perfect!!!!  A few people did a double take as they drove by and saw us eating.  I think the wine bottle was the big attraction!!!

Our goal for the day was to get to Devil’s Tower in Wyoming.  Jo had never been there and Dave wanted to see it again.  The sky kept getting darker as we rode.  Eventually Dave stopped and pointed out the silhouette of the tower.  We could barely see it.  On a clear day, it would have been visible for miles sooner.  I’m still happy we saw it.

On the way back to the resort, we made a couple of pit stops and met some interesting people.  One was the bartender in Belle Fourche who was from Holland, Michigan.  Another was a couple in Sturgis.  They were from Indiana and hauled travel trailers to various destinations.  They brought a bike along also, to site see and vacation before returning home for another load.  This load delivered a trailer to Shakopee, MN, right in our back yard!!  They then continued with their truck and cycle to the Black Hills for some bike rides in the Hills.


Inside Saloon #10

Spearfish canyon


Lunch in Spearfish

Devil’s Tower


Wildlife in the park


Smoke filled skies at Devil’s Tower


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