Eureka Springs, AK 10-1-18

Driving to Eureka Springs, the cutest, most quaint little town I have ever seen.

Green Tree Lodge

A nice ride through the Ozarks took us to the War Eagle Grist Mill, a working mill where we ate lunch.  Part of the meal was corn bread with corn ground right here.  The pecan cobbler served warm with ice cream was to die for!

The working War Eagle grist mill.

We continued and tried to view another bridge but the road was closed for construction.
We toured the city to take in the Victorian homes and ended at the 1886 Crescent Hotel and Spa, noted for being haunted.  We had a beverage on the 3rd floor outdoor patio.

Picture overlooking Eureka Springs from the 3rd floor patio.

The next day we went to Bentonville and visited some friends of Jo’s who had just moved to Arkansas.  (They are shy and prefer we don’t share their pictures.)  While in Bentonville, we toured the Walmart museum.  It was a very fun day.
Walton’s first store.  The Walmart Museum is next door to the left.
Civil War memorial in Bentonville town square.
On our way back to Eureka Springs, we visited Pea Ridge Military Park.  Site of an early large Civil War battle.
I have no idea what kind of trees these are and hope to research some day.  Unfortunately the pics are not very clear because it was quite breezy.
The next day we continued our tour of the Ozarks, on the bike.  We finally got to Beaver Dam, from the opposite direction.
We also did a walking tour of the springs, which were mostly located in town.
The tour was not as impressive as we had hoped, probably because it has been pretty dry here and there was barely a trickle of water or none at all.
We stopped for a quick drink at Rogue’s Manor because it looked so neat from the outside.  The bartender was a very interesting man who had settle here in Eureka Springs from Las Vegas.
This spring was seen through a window of Rogue’s Manor.
We saw this sign as we were out walking and got a chuckle out of it.
Both days, we stopped for a beer at Cat House, duh…

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