Hattiesburg, MS 10-28-21

We made it to Jane’s house on October 28.  She lets us park in her yard en exchange for some brotherly assistance around the house from Dave.  We will stay here until December 14.

We love being back in Petal/Hattiesburg, our Home Place 2, visiting family and friends. Our first weekend back was full of Halloween, starting with a party at Ken and Maurine’s on the 29th. This is our 3rd time to attend. The next night, we went to Sideline’s Bar to listening to Tom and DRock’s Band, 8 Oh Radio.

Our time at Jane’s is always pretty laid back with some consistent activities. For one thing, I always want to go to the 4th Street Bar on a Friday for a catfish lunch. We managed to do that on our second Friday and hope to do so one more time.

One Saturday, we went to Central Outfitters so Jordan’s Thrash Can Kitchen could prepare brunch for us. We already knew he was a super cook and he did not disappoint. We will have to do this again before we leave in December also.

We head to 4th Street every Friday late afternoon. Once Louise is off work, a group of us go to supper. The group changes a little each week if some of the group have other plans.

Listening to our friend Cole Hill at Hattiesburgers

Tom comes out to Jane’s on Wednesdays for supper. On Sundays, he comes out again for supper and football or we go to his house.

Derrick sent a Bloody Mary gift to us via Tom.

Dave always has some home projects to do for Jane. This year, there is only one project but it is a big one. He is putting putting hardwood floors in her living room and all 3 bedrooms, replacing 2 ceiling fans and blinds in 2 rooms. Tom and I were the assistants.

On Saturday, November 20th we went to the Scotty McCreery concert at the historic Saenger Theater. His opening act was Cadie Calhoune. A local artist who has preformed in Nashville. We had never seen the theater and the concert was awesome.

First we went to a pre-concert concert at Hattiesburgers, this time to listen to our friends Ken and Mo.

What’s going on outside????

We spent Thanksgiving at Jane’s with Tom and Jane, Garrett and Anna, Hannah, Jordan and Blakely. The turkey is ready for the oven.

The night after Thanksgiving, Dave took me to supper at one of our favorite spots in Hattiesburg, The Crescent City Grill where I had Mahi Mahi for the first time. I will definitely have this again.

I also got my hair done, first time in almost a year.

On Sunday, November 28, we attended church services at Jane’s church, Asbury, in Petal. We really like the music at this church and it is decorated beautifully for Christmas.

Our last Friday was spent with dinner in Hattiesburg at Trarroria Pizza. The group included Tom and Jane, Lanna and Joel, Jeannene and Ken, Maurine and Ken, Tammy and Tony. What a fun evening. Afterwards, several of us walked down the Pocket Museum, an alley in downtown Hattiesburg (joined by Harry Goff). This is so creative but one has to look closely to find the miniature characters. We also saw a live baby raccoon in the sewer grate.

The next day, we went to Hannah and Jordan’s for Blakely’s 4th birthday party. What a beautiful little girl. We were so happy to be invited.

Now, Hitch Itch draws us onward. It has been wonderful staying at Jane’s house and seeing all of our friends in Hattiesburg.

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