Holidays – 20

Dave and I left Mississippi on November 23, heading back to Minnesota for the holidays.  Shortly before heading out at 4:00 AM, Dave had a text from his daughter Beth.  She had given birth to her second son, Henry Alan that morning.  We are looking forward to meeting Henry! We arrived at the farm about 10 PM.  It was so odd to be in the house by ourselves, without Dave’s dad.  However, we set about preparing for Thanksgiving dinner.  We shopped on the 24th, did some pre-holiday cooking on the 25th, and entertained some of the family on Thanksgiving Day.  Scott and Linda; Jimmy, Taylor and Mason; Beth, Aaron, Lucas and Henry joined us.  Even though it was a small group, we had a great time.
The day after Thanksgiving, we headed to St. Peter where we were able to stay in Rebecca’s parent’s house again.  It was kind of strange this year because Rebecca was not living there but in an apartment in Mankato.
During our stay in Mankato, both Dave and I completed medical (me) and dental appointments.  We visited Mike and Bridget a couple of times, enjoying my homemade turkey and wild rice soup with them over some games of Pegs & Jokers and Euker.  We visited Beth and her family and even babysat Henry one morning.  Rebecca came to the house a couple of times, with Mike along once, so we could play Peg’s & Jokers.  We also visited each of my daughters briefly.
Due to Covid, all family Christmas plans were cancelled.  We held a virtual gift opening with all of my kids on the 19th.  Because there were no other holiday plans in Minnesota and we also could not get together with any friends, we left for Mississippi early. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were spent with Jane, Tom, Hannah, Jordan, Blakely, Garrett and Anna.  Although it was different from our previous Christmases, it was great. Right after Christmas, we enjoyed an evening with Tom and Jane at Lanna’s.  Lanna and Joel prepared a heavenly meal of grilled prime rib, pasta, salad, asparagus and cheese cake.  The next night, we walked through Lewis Lights in Purvis with Jane and Tom.  We also drove past several other neat light displays in Hattiesburg and Petal.
Now, since we are getting “hitch itch” again, it is time to head out to our winter destination.

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