Home for the Holidays 19

We love being back home in Minnesota for Thanksgiving and Christmas! This year is much colder than I like, but the snow on the ground is beautiful.

We always have a lot of medical appointments. Our visit started with going along to the VA for Dave’s dad. It was good to meet some of his medical team and hear their assessments first hand. Basically, he is in pretty good shape for someone close to 93.

I had what I hope is last reconstruction surgery a week before Thanksgiving and it went smoothly. I just have to lay low for a month. The rest of the month included semi and annual visits to oncologist, dentist, optometrist and a few others. I have new glasses and Dave is now wearing them too, only for driving.

We also spent time with all of our children grandchildren, siblings and friends.

Dave and I hosted Thanksgiving dinner at the farm for his family. Because of weather conditions, not everyone was able to join us. We had a great time, even with the small group.

Some of the other highlights of our trip home were Kody and Allison’s church program, Parker’s first orchestra concert and Lucas’s preschool program. After Parker’s concert, we wandered through the holiday lights at Sibley Park in Mankato. We also helped Jim celebrate his 70th birthday and attended an Ugly Sweater party at Deb and Mike Baron’s.

Below are some pictures of our visit home, beginning with pictures of Boo. We are so excited to have her begin living with us as soon as we get back to Mississippi.

This is the day Hannah rescued Boo.
Snake bite on right side of the face.
Getting healthy.
Pretty girl.
More current picture, one blue and one brown eye.
Snuggling with Hannah.
Bath time with Piper and Koda.
Our first night back.
Dave loves me after my surgery.
André found a picture of himself and Steve from 1981. I love it!
Jim’s birthday party.
All of the “John’s. (Private joke!)
Dave and John Skillings.
Korrie loves Dave — or is trying to strangle Dave…
Jim’s Goddesses watching a Rogaine commercial.
One of Jim’s gifts.
Allison hid from the camera and Kody was not having a great time. Standing far right.

The last 10 days of our stay will be super busy. We will go to the farm for Christmas with some of the Petersons. Jo and her ex-husband have a special trip early in the morning on the 23rd (this will be updated after the 23rd). Dave will return to the farm that day for the full Peterson celebration and pick me up about 1 AM on the 25th. Later that day, we travel to Blooming Prairie for Christmas with my daughters.

Entrance to the holiday lights.
Approaching the drive-through bridge.
The lights change color synced with the music.
Driving through.
The foot bridge.
The red zone.
Minneopa Falls in the winter, (taken from a Facebook post).
Getting ready to play Pegs & Jokers
with vodka and grapefruit juice, reminiscent of Alaska.

We gathered at the farm on December 22, with most of the Peterson family.

We went to Lucas’s preach holiday program. It was themed Hooville and Lucas made a cute reindeer.

Adults playing with toys.
Beth, Lucas, Mason and Jimmy.
Aaron, Beth and Lucas.

December 23 found me flying to Seattle. Nate and Kate got married!!!! It was a short visit but I am so happy for them and glad I decide to go. Our flight (I traveled with my ex-husband) was at 6:30 AM on the 23rd and returned bat 11PM on the 24th.

View from our room at Marriott Waterfront.
Christmas decoration in Seattle.
Elevator bank at King County Courthouse.
Love the shoes!
Kate and Nate.
Kate and her sister.
Proud parents.
Harry, Nate, Kate and me.
Wedding supper is pizza, of course!
Wedding cupcakes were delicious.
Back to Minneapolis.

While I was in Seattle, Dave spent Christmas Eve with his family.

Jane, Dean, Grandpa, Scott and Dave.
The farmers.
Scott’s family.
Funny man!
Gift from Dave on Christmas morning.

Christmas Day was with my daughters in Bloomington Prairie.

Allison, Cameron and Sierra.
Me and Kyle.
Parker and Kody.
Harry opening a gift crate.
It came with a crow bar.!!
Dave opening his tool box filled with jerky.

We had one last short outing in St Peter to distribute a couple of gifts on the 26th, then back to Rebecca’s house for an early night. We left at 4 AM the next morning.

THING made it back to Mississippi with us.
An old picture of Steve, thanks to Andre.
Steve and I with our parents, Christmas 1954.
I was 10 months; Steve was 20 months.

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