Mankato, MN 5-19-19

The day after Jessica’s graduation, we headed back to North Mankato, to camp at the campground we were in last summer.  This is close to most of our family and many of our friends, so is a perfect location for us.  We are always so busy while we are here.  There simply is not enough time to see all of the people we love.  This year is especially hard because it will be a short visit.

We began by each of us seeing our primary care doctors for annual physicals.  We both passed!  I also saw my Oncologist for a 6 month check and that was great also.  In addition, I visited my surgeon in Rochester for biannual check up and that also went well.  An additional surgery that I thought I would need is not needed after all, at least for now.  Harrah!!

After all of the medical stuff was out of the way, we started having fun.  First, we entertained Dave’s kids at Pagliai’s Pizza, to celebrate Dave’s birthday.  Aaron was not able to join us but we had a great time.  Lucas is so cute!

Apparently something was funny…

On Sunday, May 26, we attended a backyard party at our friends Deb and Mike Barron in St. Peter.  It was a beautiful day to be outside enjoying good company.  Thank you Deb and Mike for hosting a fun afternoon.

The next evening, Angie, her Dave and two of her children, Sierra and Parker, came out to the campground.  We grilled burgers for supper.  It was a cold, rainy day, so we had to eat inside but we all had a good time.  I don’t get to see my kids often enough!

Before going to the farm on Dave’s birthday, , we went to Applebee’s, where we first met.  We won’t be in Mankato on that anniversary, so we celebrated a bit early.

Later in the day, we went to visit his dad on the farm in Sleepy Eye.  Dave was busy working on the on the truck and trailer.  He made heavy duty mud flaps that can be taken on and off the truck.  We will use these on the Alaska trip, to cut down on rock chips to the trailer.  He also checked the brakes and repacked the wheel bearings on the trailer.  We got all new tires on the trailer, in preparation for our Alaska trip this summer.  At the end of the day, we drove into Sleepy Eye to have a beer at the Servicemen’s Club with  his dad.  Our intent was to go home to grill supper, but time got away from us.  It was already 7:30 with a 45 minute drive ahead of us before we could get home to start the charcoal, so we decided to stop in Essig at Carl’s Corners.  This tiny bar/restaurant is known for its broasted chicken.  I had never been there and we thought it would be a good place for a birthday supper.  We split a chicken dinner and all I can say is, “YES!”, it is delicious!

We stayed at Teresa’s house one night, to visit her and her kids.  It also shortened our drive the next day, to Mayo in Rochester.  As already mentioned, that was a trip to see my surgeon.

One Friday we drove to “the Cities” to have lunch with Dave’s friend Nick.  After lunch, we had an appointment at AAA to find some options for additional fun for next winter.  Yay, I can’t wait for that, but more to come later.

On Friday, the 31st of May, we went to get Rocky.  He is Beth’s dog and we were getting to dog sit for 10 days while Beth, Aaron and Lucas went on vacation.  He is a cute little dog who does not like other dogs coming into view and thinks he can “take on” any other dog, regardless of its size.  Being in a campground, there are a lot of other dogs.  We had to shush him often!  Because I want a dog so much, it was great to have him with us.

After picking up Rocky, Dave was doing some more maintenance on the trailer while I made potato salad.  All of a sudden, he informed me that he thought he might need some stitches.  I had to drive a bleeding Dave to the ER where he got 5 stitches in one of his fingers, where he had a cut in the first bend.  That made healing difficult and the stitches would have to remain in for 12 days.

On Saturday, June 1, we were invited to attend a Walk About with some friends in St. Peter.  They sometimes gather in one garage or another and then move on to other garages, for fun, games and to view a sporting event.  Today, there was a noon Twins game to watch.  Technical difficulties meant we had to just listen to it this time but that did not dampen our fun.

At one of the stops, they had a giant bottle of wine and shared with all of us.

The party ended at Kristi’s house where we had a potluck lunch, played Jenga and beanbag toss.  It was so much fun and we met a lot of new friends.

The next day, we drove to the Cities for lunch again with Dave’s friend Nick, at his house.  We had tried to get together a year ago, so I could meet Nick’s family but that had not worked out due to my Shingles and Nick’s young son but we were successful this time.  It was great to meet Lorelei and there children Jax and Jordyn.  They have a beautiful home that they are renovating.  They also have two very large dogs who made me nervous at first but they are delightful.

Also in early June, Ray and Kathy Lindberg met us in St. Peter for supper.  They are in-laws of mine from my previous marriage.  It is always good to see them and catch up on each other’s lives.  I am an avid Twins fan and Ray is an avid Dodger’s fan.  Since both teams are doing so well right now, we made a be on which team will win the most games during the regular season this year.  The winner has to provide the loser with his/her favorite beverage.  The loser also has to pose for  a picture wearing the other teams jersey.  We hope to meet up next winter to cash in on the bet.

The next day, we had supper with my two brothers and their wives (lucky guys with such awesome wives) for supper in Belle Plaine.  Clancey’s is a favorite dining spot for all of us and was half way between Mankato and Shakopee where Kent and Dianne live.

The next day, we drove to Fairmont for lunch with some of my cousins.  Mandi and Kevin had just moved here from Williamsburg and we wanted to meet again.  Also, Dave had not met my cousin Linda and her significant other, Tom.  Linda was always the closest I had to a sister so I really wanted to introduce them.  We had another  delightful family day.

Some of the things we like to do when we are Minnesota is to go to the Red Men on Friday evenings for a meat raffle, which we never win, followed by going to the Legion to see if we can win Legion Loot.  We always see many of our friends.  One friend is an older gentleman, Dale Molitir who makes sure we stay out of trouble.

The next Sunday afternoon, we went to Hobber’s for another one of our favorite pastimes, listening to music on the patio.  Some of the same people were there from Friday.  Dale is still keeping an eye on us!

The next Saturday, June 8, some of our St. Peter friends came out to the campground to visit.  Dave and I grilled Kwik Trip’s bacon wrapped pork medallions and potatoes.  It was a simple supper but I think everyone enjoyed it.  Rocky liked everyone but was especially drawn to Deb.  He was exhausted at the end of the day!  The friends who came out were Rebecca Brenke, Deb and Mike Barron and Korrie and Carol Pasbrig.

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The next day, Dave and I went back to Blooming Prairie.  We picked up Teresa and Kody and drove to the little town of Adams, Minnesota.  We were there for the parade, to watch Cameron and Allison perform with Stix of Fury.  This is Cameron’s third year and Allison’s first.

Cameron center

Allison center front, Cameron right

We took Sierra and Parker out for brunch one day. They like to go to Baker’s Square and we had a great time!

On Saturday, June 15, we attended a Twins game, our only game of the year. Thanks to my brother Kent’s help, we had excellent seats. I chose this game because Joe Mauer’s number was being retired. What an emotional ceremony. For all of the previously retired numbers, the living retired players were in attendance. To represent those deceased, Harmon Killebrew’s son attended and Kirby Puckett’s children represented him. To make the day even better, we won!

Number 7 was still covered up.
Harmon Killebrew
Kirby Puckett
Rod Carew
Tony Oliva
Joe Mauer
The number is unveiled.

We decided to leave Sawmill a day early so we could spend Father’s Day at the farm with Dave’s dad. We grilled supper for dad, brother and sister-in-law, Scott and Linda, nephew Jim and Jim’s son Mason. A good time was had by all. Mason entertained everyone, chasing a bunny to try to pet it.

The next morning, we started the first leg of our trip to Alaska.

North, to Alaska!!

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