Minnesota, Summer 20

We got back to Minnesota in late May and spent two days at the family farm, visiting Dave’s dad, brother and sister-in-law.  His dad is doing well after a couple of bouts with pneumonia last winter.  Boo enjoyed running free at the farm and behaved well most of the time except once, when I saw her at the mail box, a quarter mile away… sigh…

Dave visited the tree that is a memorial to his son Dan.

Memorial to Dan.


Then, back to our normal camping spot, Sawmill Campground, in the middle of my old stomping grounds in North Mankato.

Dave’s daughter, son-in-law and grandson came out for Paglia’s Pizza on our first Friday, to celebrate Dave’s birthday.  Lucas is really growing and liked helping clean up after supper. We had our first Minnesota Bloody Mary Sunday with my daughter Angie.  Kyle and Sierra came out for a short time too, to see Boo.

Our first full week here was spent getting in most of our annual and semi-annual medical appointments.  One appointment was in Owatonna so we spent some time in Blooming Prairie with Teresa and her kids.  She made us a delicious pork chop HUGE meal and sent us on our way with left over desserts.

Thursday, June 4 was Kyle’s virtual graduation from Mankato East High.  He had walked the stage for his video a week earlier.  It is so emotional to have your first grandchild graduate from high school!!

Kyle and Angie.
Me, Kyle, Angie and Grandpa.
Kyle and his aunt Teresa.
Getting rid of the cap and gown.

I wanted to add some personalization to the empty space above our entry cabinets.  The bottles are from our cruise, THING and Max are part of our family (lol) and we added the greens and flowers.  I think it turned out well.

The first couple of weeks back were spent in medical appointments, some warranty work on the trailer and visiting with family and friends.  We are also dog sitting Beth’s dog Rocky for about a week.

Rebecca joined us on our patio.

On Saturday, we had an errand in St. Peter so went looking for friends.  We couldn’t find any so dropped in to one of our favorite watering holes, Patrick’s Patio.  Dave caught me slouching and looking really fat!

Our second Sunday was a Bloody Mary picnic lunch with friends at Kristi’s house followed by a pontoon ride on Lake Washington on Carol and Korrie’s “toon”.

Look at this lazy dog, chillin on the couch!

We have been planting flowers in rectangular pots since we started traveling.  We decided this is probably not the best option, so one day I bought some round pots and we transplanted the flowers.  I think it was a good decision.

For Father’s Day, we went to the farm to spend the afternoon with Dave’s dad.  We grilled brats.  Scott, Linda, Jimmy and Mason came for supper too.  Linda added beans, chips and angel food cake to the meal.


June 22 was our 3 year meet-aversary.  We went back to Applebee’s, where it all began.  We had two beers and the same appetizers we had 3 years ago, spinach artichoke dip and mozzarella sticks.  I can’t believe how fast time flies or how lucky I was to meet this guy.  He is my life.

We had left Boo home alone in the trailer.  She normally comes with us and if we are not in a dog friendly place, she stays in the truck.  However, sometimes we leave her home in the trailer.  She is always well behaved.  Well, today, she gave us a sad soulful look as we left.  We returned to find some mischief…

Luckily, none of the check blanks were damaged!


We finally have dates for Dave’s cataract surgeries.  He has to have a Covid test 4 days before each surgery and then we have to self isolate until after the surgeries.  We had hoped to have this taken care of earlier in the summer but the schedule actually works perfectly around the plans we have made for later in the summer.  Yay!!!!

On the last Sunday in June, we took the Kawi out for a ride.  It was a clear, sunny, almost 90 degree day and perfect for a ride.

We weren’t able to have the grand kids out to the trailer last summer because of our short stay in Minnesota.  They were all disappointed and kept asking when they could camp with us this year.  We were not able to take them to the same campground near Owatonna, due to pool closures, so made plans for fun things to do in the Mankato area, and stayed here at Sawmill Campground.  We had the boys July 9-10 and the girls on July 10-11.  The best part for all of them was spending time with Boo.

After picking up both younger boys, we came back to the campground for a hot dog over the fire lunch.  Then we took them to Minneopa to see the falls, bison and Seppmann mill.  Because of heavy rains last week, the trails to the falls were closed so we were only able to go to the bottom of the steps and get close to the river, once it was paste the falls.  We had thought about going to Seven Mile Creek but the day was getting away from us.  Instead, we went to Minnemishinona Falls, very close to our camp ground.  Then we returned to the campground where the boys had fun on the mini zipline and playing bocce ball.  The day wrapped up with campfire pizza pies, apple pies and smores.  Before taking them home the next day and picking up girls, we had a pancake and bacon breakfast.

Minneopa Falls



Minnemishinona Falls

The girls outing was planned to be similar to the boys’ but we had to make some changes.  We got to Minneopa after lunch, but apparently the bison are on vacation on Wednesdays, so we weren’t able to see them.  The girls liked the falls though.  Cameron and Allison said they have never seen waterfalls before.  With time on our hands, we made a tour of Williams Nature Trails on our way back to Minnemishinona Falls and the campground.

It was too windy for a fire, so we made the pizza and apple pies in a pan on the grill.  They turned out very well.  Later, the winds died down so we were able to make smores.

The zip line was not a big hit and neither was bocce ball.  We played one quick game and then Dave and Allison played another.  Allison won!

Dave thought about introducing the girls to Pegs & Jokers.  I was afraid they would think it was an “old people” game but they loved it and asked for another game later in the evening.

The girls turn at Minneopa Falls.

Peaceful after the falls.

Standing on a glacial rock at Williams Nature Trails.

Pegs & Jokers

David had his first Covid test on Friday, July 10 and we started isolating, for his first cataract surgery on the 14th.  I also started putting in eye drops 4 times a day.  He says they sting!!!  The night before surgery, we got a call that the doctor was sick and surgery has to be postpones.  They will get back to us…  We are hoping it will be soon and not affect the second surgery, scheduled for the 28th.  All of his appointment dates fit in perfectly with our August plans.  Fingers are crossed.

On Saturday, July 18, we finally had our Halibut Fry at the campground, co-hosted by Rebecca Brenke, to share halibut from our Alaskan trip.  It was a very hot day and evening so no one stayed long after the meal, but it was delicious.  Dave made the halibut on the grill.  Rebecca brought crockpot cheesy potatoes and I made a pear pie/bars (recipe from my daughter Teresa).  We had a great time with Rebecca, Korrie and Carol Pasbrig, Ken and Wendy Dobie and Randy Willson.  Julie Laures and Jim Holmstead were unable to attend.

On a Sunday afternoon, after a really heavy rainfall (8 inches at the campground), we took a drive to pick our own sweet corn in Rapidan.  The field had been picked over and there was no corn to be had, but we came across a fire that had started just before we arrived.  Luckily, the house was vacant.


On our way back to the campground, we decided to swing by Minnemishinona Fall.  After all of the rain, it sure looks different from our visits with the grandkids.

Dave finally had both surgeries with another Covid test before the second one.  Surgeries were on July 20 and 28.  We have to put drops in his eyes for 4 weeks after the surgery and will follow up with our optometrist in August.

We went to Clancey’s in Jordan for their yummy pizza, to meet my brother-in-law and sister-in-law for lunch.  It was great to see Ray and Kathy Lindberg again and I paid up my bet with Ray, regarding the Twins and Dodgers records from last year.

On July 31, we left for Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin to spend 3 days at Pine Harbor Campground with our friends Tom and Roxi Rykal, who we met in Texas in 2919.  We had a very large site, usually reserved for groups.  While there, we ate together, laughed together, visited nearby Cadott and the Leinenkugel brewery in Chippewa Falls.  What a great time!

Next, we headed to Montello, Wisconsin to visit Todd and Beth Ehlenfeldt at their lake home.  We med Todd and Beth in Texas in 2019 also.  While there, we parked in their yard but visited in their cute cabin, playing Pegs & Jokers, Mexican Train, Cornhole and toured the cute town of Montello and shopped at some Amish stores.


We had a great time with both couples and hope to figure out time to meet them again sometime in our travels.

Next stop was 12 days at Height of Land Lake near Detroit Lakes at the cabin of Hans and Nettie DuBois.  We spent part of the time with Dean and Karen Peterson.

Dean and Karen,  Clayton, Hans and Nettie, Mason, Murphy, Miles, Dave and I.

Hans and Nettie were entertaining their grandsons from Kansas, Mason, Murphy and Miles.  What a hoot!  Dave and I went to Zorbaz in DL for an evening of pizza, one of our annual treks.

We spent part of a day at Itasca State Park, headwaters of the Mississippi.  The water was higher than when we walked across the headwaters 3 years ago!

We saw several beautiful swans but always had vehicles behind us so couldn’t stop to get a close picture of them.

This is the picture from 3 years ago.


Bloody Mary Sunday at Height of Land Lake.


After leaving the lakes area of northern Minnesota, we headed to Owatonna, Minnesota.  We spent one night in the service lot of Noble RV Center, where we had a warranty appointment the next day.  While waiting for the service to be completed, we toured a couple of the beautiful parks Owatonna.

First, we went to Morehouse Park.  Boo was surprisingly calm around all of the ducks and geese.

Then we went to Dartts Park to see the statue of  the Legend of Owatonna and the mineral spring.

Later that day, we service work completed, we headed to Sleepy Eye to spend a few days at the farm with Dave’s dad.

The corn is taller since we were here in May and June!

This weekend was supposed to be Dave’s 50th high school class reunion.  It was cancelled due to Covid but we got together with a few of his classmates and friends.

On the Fischer’s patio with Carol and Al Fischer, Steve and Melva Dahl, Ken and Eileen Murphy.

Steve and Melva’s Studebaker.

Before going to Carol and Al’s patio, we stopped at the Sleepy Eye brewery to sample and purchase some of the Cream Corn ale, created for annual Corn Days (all but cancelled this year).

The next day, we took Boo to tour Schell’s Brewery in New Ulm, the second oldest brewery in the US.  Tours were cancelled but we walked around the gift shop and museum before heading to the biergarten for a couple of samples.  We also walked by the old Schell family mansion and checked out the deer.  The mama doe was not thrilled to see Boo.  Her tail was up and she was stomping her foot at us!

On our last Sunday in Sleepy Eye, we invited Mike and Bridget, Beth, Aaron and Lucas to the farm for dinner and to spend time with Grandpa.

Lucas sure enjoyed riding on Mason’s tractor!

Tuesday morning, it was time for us to pack up the trailer and head back to Sawmill Campground in North Mankato for our last month in southern Minnesota this summer.  We have been in this campground several times now but requested a different site.  It has it’s pros and cons…

Site 35 at Sawmill.

And before we knew it, September arrived.  There is much to do in the next month, to see all friends and family at least one more time, before our return over the holidays.

September 2 was a beautiful day and we spent the evening on Korrie and Carol’s pontoon, celebrating Wendy’s retirement.  This was the first full day of retirement and the weather cooperated perfectly.  Randy and Julie also joined us.  Korrie surprised everyone, including Carol, by decorating for the event.  The guys all wore Hawaiian shirts.

A few days later, Dave, Boo and I took a walk around Bluff Park in Upper North Mankato.  The park is being made over to native prairie grasses and trees.  It was beautiful looking down on highway 169 and Hiniker Pond.

We also stopped to see my old neighbor Jeannie Sheehy.  It is always fun to catch up with old friends.

On Saturday evening, we went to Galen and Darlene’s for a beer, then the 4 of us headed to the Thunder Bar in Good Thunder for supper.  I had a delicious walleye dinner and Dave had beef tips.  There were enough left overs for another supper and another lunch!

Labor Day weekend was mostly chilly but Sunday turned out sunny with temps in the low 70’s.  We decided to take the bike out.  We made short stops at the Roadhouse in Henderson (where we saw the Prince tribute) and u4ic in Blackely.  We ended up at the Flame in St. Peter.

Angie joined us at the trailer later that evening.

On Tuesday, we went to see Ree and Dudley.  It is probably the last time we will see them until December.

The entire first week of September was unseasonably cold.   It was 40 degrees when I got up on September 10.  Brrrrrrr!

Sprinkled in all summer, have been visits with Mike Barron and Rebecca Brenke.  We sure enjoy spending time with them.

Kent and Dianne came to St. Peter on the 12th and joined us for supper at El Agave.  The food was delicious and it was great to see them again before we head out in a few weeks.

On Sunday, September 13, we pulled the bike out of storage and went on the Driffters last fun run.  Dave, his brother Scott and 5 other buddies started this cycle club in 1973.  It is sad to see it coming to an end but the guys were so surprised that it lasted this long!

While on the run, I met a lot of Dave’s old friends, some I had met previously and for others, it was the first time.  I also ran into a couple of CGI people I had worked with, Gloria deSantiago and Jeff Milbrett.  Later, we stopped in Essig for a broasted chicken dinner, and I ran into another former CGI employee, LeNae Voges.  What a fun day!

A few nights later, Angie, Sierra and Parker came out to the campground for  a while.  Boo and Parker sure like to play together.

The weather continued to be beautiful during our last week in southern Minnesota.  We took advantage by taking walks around Benson Park and another walk around Bluff Park.

Boo wasnt too





Boo wasn’t too sure about the “moving” park bench.

We had supper with Beth and her family the last week  It was so fun spending time with Lucas.  We attended his birthday party on the 25th.  He is 3!!!!

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