Our wedding!!!! 2/23/18

Dave and I decided if we were going to get married, let’s just get married!  We knew that our kids and siblings would want to witness the event, but we also knew that would take a lot of time and planning.  We didn’t want to wait, so decided to “jump the broom” with no one present, here in Hattiesburg, Missisippi.  Even though we were parked at Dave’s sister’s house, we secretly obtained the license, clothing for the day and made an appointment with a judge.  It was beautiful!

On the way to a wedding breakfast to celebrate, the truck blew a brake line.  We had known the brakes were grabbing and had intended to have them checked later that day.  Instead, we had to call a tow truck and spent most of our wedding day in a repair shop.  We both decided there was no point in getting upset.  Besides, we were spending the day together.

Friends and family in Mississippi were already planning a Send Off party for us on the 24th.  One of the bands that our friends are in were playing at Sidelines that night.  It was also going to be an Engagement Party, or so they thought.  We showed up in our wedding clothes to make our announcement.  Dave’s sister had really wanted to attend our wedding.  She responded to the surprise by punching him in the arm…several times…HARD!

It was a great party where we danced, not just our first marriage dance, but our first ever dance together.

Getting ready for the big day, head to toes.


Waiting for the judge.


Video of our wedding ceremony.


Judge Robert Davis made it official.  We are Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson!



On February 24, our friends, The Gypsy Rose Band, were performing at Sidelines.  Jane had arranged for our friends to all be there, as a going away/engagement party for Dave and me.  They did not know it was actually our wedding party.  We announced our marriage the previous day, at that event!

Dave, at the dance


Video of our first dance.

1 Comment

  1. Well I guess I should check the website more than the 20th of each month! Congrats you two!!! LOVE it! Can’t wait to see you both when you’re in town again.


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