Petal, MS 10-10-18

We made it to Petal (Hattiesburg area) and will park in Jane’s yard until we return to Minnesota for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

Daisy welcomed us when we got here.

Hattiesburg is a town rich in musical talent and many of our friends perform in bands.  On the first weekend, there was a live outdoor event, but we all know I am always cold, so Dave took me to dinner instead. We went to Crescent City Grill.

Appetizer of shrimp and jalapenos.

Jambalaya pasta

Brewsky’s Bar & Grill hosted a breast cancer benefit.  Many bands performed including the Hub City Sound Machine with our friends Lanna and Joel.  Above are Derek, Jane, Tom and Smitty with Dave and me.


The South Mississippi fair in Laurel was fun.  It was bigger than one of our county fairs but smaller than the Minnesota State fair.  It cost $5 per person to enter, including parking.  Then, all shows were free.



The annual Hattieburg Burlesque show was fun. All of the performers are amateurs and they did an awesome job. The woman who organized, directed and performed once sang Lynard Skynard.

Derek and Tom entertainining the crowd before a Southern Miss football game.

When we didn’t have other plans, we often got together at Hutch’s house (Mike Hutcheson) to watch Monday night football. This was always potluck supper. Some of us were more interested in the food and company than the game!

We celebrated Halloween with friends. It was fun to meet some new people and watch/listen as our musical friends entertained us.

Use your imagination
Hub City Sound Machine performed at Leaf River Fall Fest in Chain Park.
Listening to Molly Thomas & The Rare Birds at Thirsty Hippo
One night at Blu Jazz with a group of friends.

We went to Long Beach one night, with Joel, Lanna, Tammy and Tony to see at at Papa D’s Darwells.

One sunny day, we decided to take the bike down to the gulf. It was a fun day, with some patio time looking out over the gulf.

As we were starting back to Petal, I got a phone call that my dear brother Steve had passed away. Dave and I decided we had to make the trip back to Minnesota for his funeral. We left the trailer at Jane’s and stayed with brother Galen and Darlene for three nights. Below are some pics of the funeral but also other pics of Steve. It was a short trip to Minnesota.

I know many people have had losses; I have myself. This one tears me up. Steve was 10 1/2 months older than me. He was “there” for me, through all of the negatives in my life and his passing haunts me.

Steve, as he looked toward the end of his life.
Nate and Steve
Steve with his sons Andre and Fletch
Steve, before he got sick.

The next few pics will show some of Steve’s quirkiness. (pics to come shortly)

After the funeral, we drove back to Mississippi, to spend another 10 days before heading north for the holidays. During this time, we entertained Jane, Tom, Joel, Lanna, Derek and Scotty with brats, German potato salad and deep fried cheese curds. Jane allowed us to use her house and started a bon fire.

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