Woodward, OK 5-8-19

Our first stop on the trip back to Minnesota was Boiling Springs State Park in Oklahoma.

Our original plan was to stay here 3 nights, then spend some time in Dodge City, Kansas before heading to Sioux Falls to visit my friends Penny and Steve. However, I had found a strange mark on my breast several days earlier. Notes, pictures and calls to my doctor were not reassuring me. At noon on second day in Oklahoma, we decided if we left right away and drove hard, we could be back in Minnesota by noon the next day, which was a Friday. We hoped to see the doctor yet on Friday. We did not wait for follow-up call from the doctor; we just packed up and pulled out.

I did get the confirming phone call late that afternoon and was assured my doctor would be able to see me on Friday afternoon. I got in to see him and he assured me this was NOT cancer!!!! It is still uncertain what caused the spot, but this was good news.

We spent a few more days in St. Peter. We were able to meet up with two of my grandkids, Dave’s daughter and grandson, and helped Mike and Bridget move to a new apartment.

Then, we packed up again and headed to the family farm outside of Sleepy Eye. We saw Dave’s dad, brother, sister-in-law and nephew. Also, he did some maintenance work on the truck and trailer, that were needed before our big trip later this summer.

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