Tallahassee 3/5/2018

We took a road trip to the beautiful capital city of Florida.  The ladies at the Visitor Center were very helpful with brochures and points of interest.

First stop was the Museum of Florida History.  This showed us Florida from the 1500’s to today.  Wow, the area has been governed by Spanish, French and British, before becoming part of the United States.

Lunch time at Andrews Downtown.  We decided on American fare today because we really have not eaten much plain ole American goodies on our travels.  As usual, we split a huge but yummy burger.  Dave had never had sweet potato fries before (WHAT???) so we had some, of the waffle variety.  They were delicious.

The Tallahassee museum showed many animals that are native to this area, as well as background info on each of them.  They were all in large outdoor, natural environments.  Our favorite was the red wolf, much smaller than the grey wolves of northern Minnesota.  They really made a racket with their howls late in the day, in response to nearby sirens.



We also toured an old southern farm and a southern plantation.  This was a mid-size or mid-income plantation, very different from the rich plantation we had seen in Natchez, Mississippi.

Cute albino squirrel.

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